wtorek, 6 listopada 2012

The Origin of Love (Mika nails no.2)

Long time no see.. Anyway, since the last post, I've been to two Mika gigs, and I made these nails for one of them, in Vigevano, Italy :)

sobota, 2 czerwca 2012

Polish polish

Witam :) Otóż dzisiaj postanowiłam otworzyć się bardziej na internautki z mojego kraju i pisać również po polsku. Przy okazji:
Mam na imię Zuza, mam 18 lat i mieszkam w Łodzi. Kompletnie nie znam się na prowadzeniu blogów i niewiele wiem o manicurze. Po prostu maluję paznokcie ;)

Dołączajcie do bloga i komentujcie.
Miłego weekendu!

wtorek, 29 maja 2012

Poppy nails

Pretty simple, pretty sweet. 
That's pretty much all I have to say.
Hope you like these (pretty?) nails ;>

Donald & Daisy !

I have no idea, why I thought about Donald Duck when I was about to do my nails, but yeah, they've been catching a lot of attention and nice words from random people, so I guess it wasn't such a bad idea ;)

Tropical nails

This is not my design, I found it somewhere online and tried to make it myself. I really like the colours tho.

Finally, THE Mika nails!

If you don't know Mika yet, check him out, because he's an amazing vocalist.
He also creates the artwork for his albums himself (with his sister), and these are two of the characters he made. Today I want to introduce to you the Lollipop girl ("Lollipop" song) and dr John. Hope you like the nails ;)